
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watching My Garden Grow.

The sun shone this afternoon and I got to wander around my garden and I found some lovely things. Spring is defiantly on it's way.

The birds have been moving things again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My New Toy

I have wanted a Kenwood mixer for ages and last night I got one. Had to try it out first thing this morning. What's the harm in baking while still in your pyjamas. I made a battenburg, not perfect looking but tasted great.

Now all I have to do is reorganise the kitchen to find it a home.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bopping Budgie

Meet Michael Buble's number one fan. He only has to hear the opening bars
of ' haven't meet you yet ' and he starts to bop.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tidy Up

Got out to the garden yesterday to do a bit of tidying. I was very pleased with myself. It is great to see thing starting to grow back.

My little helpers, they are getting bolder I am not making it back into the house before they are down for the meal worms. They even look in the kitchen window.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Flower Club is Back

Finally made it back to my flower club last night. I have not being there since the gala night in November. The Christmas night had to be cancelled due to snow and I didn't make it to the craft morning earlier this month because of fog. The demonstration was by club members. It is great to see other members work.

I got up to my allotment yesterday morning for a couple of hours. I managed to clear out all the cabbages that the snow killed off. I got 3 of the raised beds dug over and got a start on the digging at the back of the plot where I want to put the potatoes this year. I put some first early potatoes in the kitchen to start to chit. So hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to get thing moving. I keep looking at packets of seeds and I have to resist the temptation to buy all sorts as I don't have a green house. I have only so many windowsills in the house. Last year I got some very good plants in either Lidl and Newlands Garden Center so I will leave the cabbage, broccoli etc to them. Roll on the growing season.